Filosofia software libre richard stallman blog

Entradas sobre richard stallman escritas por victorhck. The views expressed here are my personal views, not those of the free software foundation or the gnu project. Entrevista a richard stallman, padre del software libre por pablo martin fernandez. Computer scientist and gnu founder richard stallman has resigned from. He has also resigned as president of the free software foundation. For the sake of separation, this site has always been hosted elsewhere and managed separately. Why open source misses the point of free software gnu project. Entradas sobre richard stallman escritas por evelizpuntocom.

Richard stallman resigns from mit over epstein comments the. Entrevista a richard stallman, creador del sistema gnu y maximo evangelista mundial del software libre. Philosophy of the gnu project gnu project free software. The terms free software and open source stand for almost the same range of programs. Filosofia del proyecto gnu proyecto gnu free software. Richard stallman, es una referencia, una figura a seguir.

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